A Helping Hand
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As you have probably noticed, I’ve had a real hard time finishing projects lately. I grow to hate whatever I’ve been working on and just bury it rather than post it. I’m trying to get over it but I can only take so many blows to the head.
© 2018, Mannequin American, All Rights Reserved
A Helping Hand
As you have probably noticed, I’ve had a real hard time finishing projects lately. I grow to hate whatever I’ve been working on and just bury it rather than post it. I’m trying to get over it but I can only take so many blows to the head.
© 2018, Mannequin American, All Rights Reserved
A Helping Hand
As you have probably noticed, I’ve had a real hard time finishing projects lately. I grow to hate whatever I’ve been working on and just bury it rather than post it. I’m trying to get over it but I can only take so many blows to the head.
© 2018, Mannequin American, All Rights Reserved

A Helping Hand
As you have probably noticed, I’ve had a real hard time finishing projects lately. I grow to hate whatever I’ve been working on and just bury it rather than post it. I’m trying to get over it but I can only take so many blows to the head.
© 2018, Mannequin American, All Rights Reserved
A Helping Hand
As you have probably noticed, I’ve had a real hard time finishing projects lately. I grow to hate whatever I’ve been working on and just bury it rather than post it. I’m trying to get over it but I can only take so many blows to the head.
© 2018, Mannequin American, All Rights Reserved